Tanvi Solanki is the recipient of the Stanford H. Taylor Postdoctoral fellowship in the College of Arts and Sciences. She received her doctorate in the Department of German at Princeton University and is currently working on a book based on her dissertation, which is entitled “Reading as Listening: The Birth of Cultural Acoustics 1764-1803.” In addition to 17th-19th century German literature and philology, her research fields include Sound Studies, Theories and Practices of Reading, Historical Prosody and Poetics, Media Studies, Concepts of Culture, Translation Theory, and Digital Humanities.”
Her research has taken her down the following paths of inquiry: the
discourse of the pathological and its relation to the ‘aesthetic’ in
17th-20th century literature, medicine and philosophy; the history of
reading as cultural technique; the history of prosody, meter, verse
forms; oral and acoustic techniques in rhetoric and pedagogy such as
declamations; material cultures of the Enlightenment and the
Gelehrtenrepublik; practices of textual circulation, translation
across medial boundaries; Sanskrit’s function for German philology. An
article in a book on ‘Materialität von Aufklärung und Volkskultur:
Bücher, Bilder, Praxen’ is forthcoming in German as “Rhythmus gegen
den Fluss: Herder und das ‘Meer der Gelehrsamkeit.'”