József Krupp teaches at the Institute of Ancient Studies at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary since September 2007. Since September 2010, he has been occasionally invited to the University of Heidelberg (Germany) as a temporary lecturer, where he also carried out some research, thanks to several research fellowships from German and Hungarian foundations (e.g. Fellowship of the Land Baden-Württemberg 2006, DAAD 2009, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 2012-2014). He is a co-founding member of the research center Centro de Teoria da Filologia/Internationale Koordinationsstelle Theorie der Philologie (Unicamp, Brazil/Heidelberg) and a member of the Association for the Study of General Literature (Budapest). With Eva Marie Noller, he is a co-organizer of the research network “Was ist philologische Evidenz?”.
József Krupp’s principal areas of research are Augustan poetry and the history of hermeneutics and philology. His current research on the topos of textus sui interpres optimus received a grant by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He is strongly interested in the reception of classical texts, the history of classical scholarship as well as in the theory of philology. Since his first book (Distanz und Bedeutung. Ovids Metamorphosen und die Frage der Ironie, Heidelberg, 2009), Krupp has continued to publish on Ovidian poetry, most recently, he edited the volume Világok között (Between Worlds. Studies on Ovid’s Poetry, Budapest, 2020). As for the theory of philology, Krupp co-edited a volume on metaphilology (Metafilológia 1, Budapest, 2011). Krupp has also published a number of articles on Hungarian literature, often with special emphasis on its relation to Classical texts.