Dimitris Plantzos is a classical archaeologist, with degrees from Athens (BA) and Oxford (MPhil, DPhil). His scholarly interests include Greek art (especially gem-engraving, portraiture, and painting), archaeological theory, and classical reception. His most recent book is The Art of Painting in Ancient Greece (Athens and Atlanta GA, 2018) where he discusses extant works from the Greek and Roman world in the framework of classical and postclassical theories of representation and visuality. In 2016 he published, in Greek, the short study The Recent Future, where he discusses contemporary uses of classical archaeology as a biopolitical tool in Greece from the 2004 Athens Olympics to the so-called “crisis years” (2009 onwards). In 2014 he published, also in Greek, his monograph The Archaeologies of the Classical, where he attempts a rethinking of the discipline, and especially its trajectory through the twentieth century. He is also the author of Greek Art and Archaeology, published simultaneously in Greece (by Kapon Editions, Athens, in Greek) and the US (by Lockwood Press, Atlanta) in 2016, as a standard textbook on the study of Greek art from 1200-30 BCE.
Dimitris teaches classical archaeology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; he is the director of the Argos Orestikon Excavation Project and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in London; he also serves in the advisory board for the Journal of Greek Media and Culture, and the periodicals Ex Novo. Journal of Archaeology; Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni italiane in Oriente; and Athens University Review of Archaeology.