Bernardo Berruecos Frank is a researcher at the Centre of Classical Studies of the Institute of Philological Research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and a professor of Greek and Greek Literature and Philosophy in the same University. He completed his BA in Classical Philology at UNAM, his MA in Classical Studies and Ancient Philosophy at the University of Barcelona (Spain), and his PhD in Classical Philology at the University of Barcelona and in Ancient Philosophy at the Aix Marseille Université of France, under an international joint supervision agreement.
He specializes in the textual transmission of Greek lyric poetry and Pre-Socratic philosophy, particularly, in Parmenides’ Poem. He has recently started a research project concerning the reception of Greek language and literature in the eighteenth-century Mexico. The main interest of this project is to study how classics became a powerful tool in Mexico not only for imposing cultural models–which tried to replace indigenous epistemologies and native modes of thought–, but also for the construction of a problematic national identity. He is the author of Poesía arcaica griega. Tomo I. Poesía parenética (Mexico: UNAM, 2018), two co-edited volumes: Alberto Bernabé et al., Parménide: tra linguística, letteratura e filosofía (Academia Verlag- Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2019), and Estudios sobre historia de la poesía griega y latina (UNAM 2019), as well as some articles and book chapters on Greek literature and ancient philosophy: “Bene rotunda et globosa veritas. Epítetos de la verdad en Parmenides DK28 B1.29” (Archai: The Origins of Western Thought 26, 2019); “Hérodote, présocratique?”, in X. Riu & M. Reig (eds.), Drama, Philosophy, Politics in Ancient Greece (Universidad de Barcelona, 2014); in co-authorship with E. Hülsz Piccone, “Parménides B1.3: Una nueva enmienda”, in M. Pulpito & P. Spangenberg (eds.), ὁδοὶ νοῆσαι. Ways to Think. Essays in Honour of Néstor-Luis Cordero (Bologna: Diogene Multimedia, 2018).
He is the founder and director of the Seminar of Studies in the History of Greek and Latin Poetry, where more than twenty students, professors and researchers from Mexico and other places of the world collaborate. He is a member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico (SNI).